Monday, July 16, 2012

End for now

A little pause...

Thanks everyone for your support. I will stop this page and the donations now until I have something to report on where the money goes.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Volunteer reconstruction project

The next step: Mazunte, Emiliano, is setting up a project for volunteers to help reconstruct the houses that fell, are without roof - so everyone is welcome to join the construction team and get a free construction workshop out of it! As soon as I know the exact dates I will post them here!

Write to Emiliano from Balamjuyuc to know more, how to help, when to come!
Facebook of Balamjuyuc

El próximo paso: Mazunte, Emiliano, está preparando un "taller de reconstrucción", un equipo de voluntarios que van a reconstruir las casas destruídas así que todos están bien invitados a apuntarse! Cuando se saben las fechas les publico aquí!

Escriben a Emiliano del balamjuyuc para saber más!
Facebook de Balamjuyuc

Photos from the first few days

A few more Pics so everyone gets an idea how shocked people looked who came back after the hurricane not recognizing Mazunte anymore...